Introduction to Robert Newell's Notebook


Robert "Doc" Newell has left a brief account of his experiences during the years 1829 through 1842 in his Memorandum of Robert Newell's Travels in the Teritory of Missourie. The first few years documented seem to be a narrative written after the fact, whereas entries for the years 1836 on seem to be written contemporaneously. Besides the memorandum, Newell's notebook includes several pages of shopping lists and accounts that provide additional insight into the life of a trapper and trader in the Rocky Mountains during height of the fur trade.

Bibliographical Information

A microfilm copy of Newell's notebook was made available to the author of this web site courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.
Newell's Notebook was reproduced in:
Author:   Newell, Robert, 1807-1869.
Title:    Memoranda: travles in the teritory of Missourie; travle
          to the Kayuse War; together with a report on the
          Indians south of the Columbia River. Edited, with notes
          and introd., by Dorothy O. Johansen.     
Published:       Champoeg Press, 1959.
Description:    159p. illus., maps (1 fold.) 27 cm. 


  • View Notebook, starting with lists on page 1
  • View Notebook, starting at "Memorandum" on page 23
  • Return to Diaries, Narratives, and Letters page