Tang Chinese Steppe Falconer at Court

A Twilight of Empires

Lords of the Earth, Campaign 13

The codes in this table are what are found in the city listings on your stats sheet. For example, Constantinople is a Capitol, a Port, on a Royal Road, and as well a Holy City. Looking at the table below we see that it should be listed as "C%H" under the city name on the player stats sheet.

Please notify the GM if what is on your player sheet does not match what you think it should be.

City Character Code
Normal City /
Port City P
Road R
Road+Port %
Silk/Trade Route S
Besieged City B
Capital City C
Capital+Port CP
Capital+Road CR
Capital+Road+Port C%
Capital+Holy City+Road+Port C%H
Capital+Holy City CH
Capital+Silk/Trade-Route CS
Capital+Silk/Trade-Route+Holy City C!
Holy City H
Holy City+Port PH
Holy City+Road RH
Holy City+Road+Port %H
Holy City+University *
Holy City+University+Road+Port =+H
Port City+Silk/Trade-Route PS
Port City+University PU
Silk/Trade-Route+University SU
Silk/Trade-Route+Holy City !
Capital+Royal Road+Silk/Trade-Route ^
University City U
Road+University RU
Treasury City $

Chris Cornuelle / lote13gm at xmission dot com / last modified Tuesday, 08-Mar-2005 16:16:29 MST
© 2001-2008 Shirin Strategy Games