The Holocaust Menu The Jews The Nazis Internet Activity


American Problems

The Shoah ("Holocaust")

Extra Credit: Internet Activity (54 points)

You may do as much or as little as you wish.

Due on or before midnight April 19, 2013 for credit

The completed assignment may be e-mailed to Mr. Charon

Directions: Answer each of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper from information found on the pages linked in maroon below. You may do as much or as little of the assignment as you wish. Point value for each item is noted. (**Note: Each link opens in a separate window.**)

Part I:

The Jews

Roots of Anti-Semitism

A Brief Synopsis (4 points)

1. Briefly define Anti-Semitism:

2. What basic belief of Judaism differed from that of the Romans?

3. Which horrible disease of the Middle Ages was blamed on the Jews?

4. What type of money-making activity were many Jews involved in, that helped the Christians and yet was condemned by Christian leaders?

Kristallnacht (4 points)

5. Define and explain Kristallnacht : (What was it, when did it happen, why did it happen, and what does the term German word, Kristallnacht mean when translated into English?)

JEWS IN POLAND (3 points)

During WWII

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

6. Directions: From the information contained in these three articles, write a summary of the effects of the Holocaust on the Polish Jews:

Death Camps

Auschwitz Tour (3 points)

7. Take the tour of Auschwitz. Summarize your feelings of the pictures and information presented:

Operation Reinhard (3 points)

8. After which famous Nazi officer was this extermination named?

9. Name the three main death camps constructed under this plan. How were Jews executed in the camps?

10. Why did Heinrich Himmler decide to cover-up all existence of these camps and what steps did he take to begin this cover-up?
(Free Answer: So the advancing Allied armies wouldn't know about the camps and the murder of the Jews)

Sobibor (1 point)

11. Describe one of the ways which the Nazi officers would degrade and demoralize the workers in Sobibor by terrorizing them:

Famous Rescuers/Rebels

Oskar Schindler (2 points)

12. Describe what type of a man Oskar Schindler was and how he saved 900 Jews from being killed in Nazi death camps:

Raoul Wallenberg (3 points)

13. Describe, as briefly as possible, Raoul Wallenberg's Jewish rescue operation:

Fritz Gerlich (3 points) (from "The Holocaust Chronicle"; pgs. 24-28)

14. Describe Fritz Gerlich's method(s) of rebellion (give specific examples). What action(s) did the Nazis take against Gerlich? How was Gerlich's wife informed of his death?

Abba Kovner (1 point)

15. List one activity in which Kovner took part in the fight against the murder of the Jews?

Part II:

The Nazis (27 points)

16-23. For each of the nine Nazi officials featured on the site (not Hitler) briefly recount where appropriate the following information:

  1. How each came to be a part of the Nazi party;
  2. What function(s) each served in the Nazi party;
  3. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of each person.

© 2013 Mr. Charon, except for background featuring Rutger Hauer from the film, "Escape from Sobibor" © 1987.