(how to make a kodachi)

Why waste your hard-earned pennies on a brand-new kodachi? On this page we'll provide the step-by-step instructions on how to assemble your own kodachi (short sword) used in two-sword (nito) matches. Once you are finished you'll be using something you created with your own craftsmanship, imagine how proud you'll be!

I'm sure you have plenty of left-over broken 39 shinai, we'll need at-least four good bamboo slats and the leather fittings. A saw, a file, scissors, and some super-glue.

  1. Locate your shinai with the broken slats.

  2. You'll need to cut the slats of below the broken points leaving enough length for your kodachi.

  3. Your blade length will need to be 40cm from the widest point of the shinai

  4. And your handle with need to be 20cm from the widest point.

  5. Your Kodachi length should be no more than 60cm overall.

  6. Mark the required cutting points with a pen.

  7. Cut off the ends evenly, try not to slip.

  8. If we leave the ends square like this the leather ends will eventually tear through.

  9. So, use the file to round the ends.

  10. They should end up looking nice and round like this.

  11. You will need to use the saw to cuts slots for the butterfly, make sure you line them up before cutting.

  12. Insert the butterfly into the slats.

  13. The leather tsuka cover should measure 18cm when completed.

  14. But mark the tsuka cover 1.5cm longer (with a scissor cut) to allow for the stitching.

  15. Turn the cover inside-out (but not all the way).

  16. Measure up 7mm from the cut for your stitching holes.

  17. Punch four holes about 1cm apart.

  18. Weave the thread through the holes (you can use shinai cord).

  19. Pull the knot very tight (I suggest pliers).

  20. Put a drop of superglue on the knot.

  21. Cut off the rest of your tsuka cover at your mark.

  22. Trim the rest of the thread ends.

  23. Turn the tsuka cover rightside-out.

  24. Slide the tsuka cover onto your Kodachi.

  25. You're ready to finish your Kodachi just like you would a regular shinai.


Original page (in japanese): http://www6.vc-net.ne.jp/~isiyosi/kodachi.htm