Nito-Ryu Waza

The following are movies demonstrating Nito-Ryu Waza (techniques of the two-sword tradition). They come from a Nito-Ryu page in Japan. Unfortunately, I do not know the names of the kendoka demonstrating these.

Here is the original link to the Japanese site:

  • Kirikaeshi
    When performing nito kirikaeshi the principal is the same as when performing it in the itto manner. The fundamental difference, however, is to strike your opponent alternating shoto and daito. But the movement of alternation is quite important. When lowering the shinai of one hand after a strike, the shinai of the other hand should be rising to strike. In this manner you are attacking with one hand and defending yourself with the other at the same time. Begin this technique by striking the daito of your opponent with the shinogi of your shoto, then strike men with your diato. Next, start your alternating motions with your diato.

  • Osaete Men
    Using the inside shinogi of your shoto, force the diato of your opponent downwards and to the outside. Keep your shoto down over the top of your opponent's diato, this keeps his sword in check and serves to push it aside as you move forward. Then strike men. It is important to do this block and attack in one motion (hiyouritai) while your opponent's diato is held down securely.

  • Ura Osaete Men
    Like Osaete Men, however, instead of sweeping down to the inside, bring your shoto around and sweep up to the outside using the outside shinogi.

  • Tohma Men
    Using the inside shinogi of your shoto strike your opponent's diato at the kissaki forcing it outward, then strike Men with your diato. Suddeness is the key to executing this technique.

  • Tsuki ni Men
    As your opponent moves in for tsuki, strike their diato sharply downwards with your shoto, enter and cut Men with your daito. The main point it holding down with your shoto as in Osaete Men.

  • Kote Men
    Force your opponent's diato outwards with the outside shinogi of your shoto. As your opponent rises against this motion cut Kote with your diato. Then step in and cut Men with your shoto.

  • Suriage Kote
    The bamboo sword of the partner stands, or there is on a center, while (it is in the central vicinity) instantly inserting the body in case, making Kodati slide, to rub, when to rub, it shakes the large sword simultaneously in the gauntlet of the partner and lowers.

  • Kote Nuki Men
    Vis-a-vis the gauntlet of the partner, lowering the bamboo sword, it pulls out, the surface goes to striking simultaneously.

  • Kote Harai Men
    Vis-a-vis the gauntlet of the partner, (you paying to your own) right with Kodati, it strikes the surface instantly.

  • Hensoku Kote
    When the partner was cautious the gauntlet, was increasing the bamboo sword to the right top, the left gauntlet is struck. If with judgement rule of today from the shoulder the right hand has come on, it becomes one, but it does not become one and the TE, the partner is moved by threat, attacks and reaches the point where you grow weary. Generally the person who is struck enters "huh, this TSUTE gauntlet? "With you hear, but being that to be hitting sudden similar and the gauntlet of the gauntlet, because it does, if it strikes properly, it enters, probably will be and, you do not have to strike, there are no times.

  • Kaeshi Do (Gyaku)
    Vis-a-vis the surface of the partner, while defending the surface with Kodati, it strikes the torso with the large sword. At that time, the body bending, there are no times when it strikes the sea urchin it will do (to the especially left). Collectively, from handle half applying around the upper - brim origin, unless it has, the bamboo sword being caught, to pull out it is not possible the having position of the large sword.

  • Kaeshi Do (Sei)
    Correct two sword versions of return torso of opposite two swords. Blade muscle it will strike securely just.

  • Do Misete Men (Note: Misete = "Fake")
    Camouflaging that the torso is struck with the large sword, the place where it goes down to the bamboo sword of the partner avoiding the torso it strikes the surface with Kodati.

  • Men Misete Do
    Striking the surface with the large sword, the place where the bamboo sword of the partner rises, avoids the surface with Kodati is cut in the torso. Not to be to strike the surface vaguely, after striking securely, it will change to the torso.

  • Men Misete Kote
    Attacking the partner well, it attacks and one time depressing vis-a-vis the partner who has grown weary, the place where labor assistant rises it produces the large sword that way before, strikes the gauntlet.

  • Gyaku Do Kaeshi Men
    The opposite torso which the partner strikes is received with Kodati, the body is judged that way on the left and the right one side of the partner is struck.

  • Hiki Men
    The staying of the partner the place where it arrives you hold down the bamboo sword of the partner with Kodati, pull instantly and strike the surface. This time, you grasp the position and your own position of the partner, striking from the chart when and, when striking from the reverse side you use properly.

  • Hiki Kote
    The pulling aspect similarly, you catch the instant of the partner, cut in the gauntlet. Being to be the skill to which the movement is small, is not recognized easily using the wrist, will try to strike lightly.

  • Hiki Do

    "It pulls and the surface" "pulls and the gauntlet" while holding down with Kodati, hitting protruding it does, but "it pulls and the instant holding down, the partner being cautious the bamboo sword of the partner in regard to the torso," it cuts the place where the hand rises for defending in the torso.

  • Men Taiatari Hiki Do (Note: Taiatari = "bodycheck" or "push")
    It does with one sword, "per face piece it pulls and when hitting protruding it does the surface differing from the torso", it changes to the torso immediately.

  • Kote Men Sabaite Hiki Men
    With Kodati holding down the bamboo sword of the partner from the reverse side, it strikes the gauntlet surface, after that judges the body on the left side of the partner and pulls and strikes the surface.

  • Jodan Kote Kote
    It strikes the left gauntlet of the partner, it returns making use of the reaction which strikes the gauntlet, strikes the right gauntlet.