Jim Aheren Hand Shuttle

Material for 1 1/4" shuttle - Maple

2 sides - 1 1/4" H x 3/16" W x 14 1/4" L

2 ends - 2 1/4 L x 1 1/4" W x 1" H (note: I suspect that the H and W should be swapped ie.: 2 1/4 L x 1" W x 1 1/4" H)

Stock used: 8-10" wide, 1 1/4" thick and cut to 14 1/4" length

rip down center of stock
run pieces through joiner on one flat side and on both of the center edges
using a smooth cutting, thin kerf, saw blade rip off the side pieces 3/16" thick

cut from the center the pieces will not be warped for a while
when there is any perceptible curve use the rest of the wood for the ends. The blocks won't warp.
You need 2 blocks for each pair of sides.

In the bay area the wood needn't this treatment, but when I got here, it was [I'm missing a couple of words here, I think he's talking about lower humidity]. I lost a number of shuttles.

Another piece of wood we will need is 1 piece 1" x 1" x 7 3/4" L to space the ends apare when glueing

This spacer needs to have a notch in one end that is 3/8" W x 1 1/4" D  to accomodate the post for the pirn (that thing that holds the yarn).