I know this isn't the only weaving software out there, I've used others, but I haven't hunted down the details on the others yet, I'll be doing that this week and creating an HTML page for the info.


Cochenille Design Studio
Several software products usable by fiber junkies of most any stripe, not just weavers.

Fiberworks PCW
Excelent weaving software, avaliable in Bronze, Silver and Gold depending on your feature needs (and pocket book allowances).

Virtual Hand Weaving
Software for Windows 95/98 and NT, created by Armindo Da Silva. The author is very responsive to user input and enhancement requests.

Conversion Software for Windows 95/98 and NT, created by Mitch Eatough. This software converts between various weaving software file formats to make life easier for those of you that use more than one piece of weaving software.