




about me



My interests are all over the map -- from astrology to religion to needlework. Here is a "laundry list" which is far from complete. If you have similar interests or just want to learn something new, then check out my links page -- most of these topics are covered there.

Religion and spirituality really could have a page all its own. I have vastly diversified interests in religion and spirituality, but my main focuses involve subjects that help me grow both as a neopagan and as a spiritual human being.

I love books. I love to read. Reading is both my primary escape mechanism and my main method of learning. For a more personal look at what I read and what I think of it, see my book of the moment section on the reviews page.

My general interest in history lies in the basic premise that history tells us vital stories about who we were -- or at least who we would like to have been -- and who we are . However, my main areas of historical interest are ancient Egypt, pre-Christian Europe (specifically concerning the Celts and pre-Roman Britain), the Renaissance, and Elizabethan England.

I discovered the works of Joseph Campbell while I was in college, and have had a passion for mythology and folklore ever since. I'm a sucker for a well-crafted story, and the various cultures of this planet have created some of the best examples to be had anywhere.

I have been interested in astrology since I was about ten years old. I enjoy investigating good information about the art of astrology as well as giving great horoscopes! Take a look at my "Practical Astrology" columns in the writings section.

About five years ago I revived a childhood interest in needle crafts. I find sewing to be very relaxing and meditative since it forces me to focus and shut out the distractions of daily life. I currently enjoy cross-stitch and embroidery the most, but I am also attempting to learn crochet and basic weaving. My favorite motifs are Celtic and Anglo-Saxon designs, nature, fantasy figures, and historical reproductions based on actual pieces of needlework from the Renaissance period forward. I love creating these works of art.



2000 by Regina M. Raab

This page created 21 February 2000
This page last updated: 9April 2000

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