
Welcome to Microwater!


This pamphlet presents a new theory of preventative medicine.

Recent research reveals that the effectiveness of vitamin supplements and careful diet is effective in the prevention and control of disease. Much of this research leads us to the same core principle, the oxidation of healthy cells by too much active oxygen in the body breaks down the cell and makes it suseptible to infection and disease.

We can block this oxidation reaction with antioxidants, substances which can readily donate their electrons to roving active oxygen and neutralize their harmful effect on normal cells. However, one problem remains.

What is the best source for a substance that can readily give up electrons to reduce active oxygen?

We are advancing the theory that the most effective and economical source for an antioxidant is ordinary tap water after it is filtered and treated with electrolysis. This electrolyzed water, called MICROWATER, is one of the most exciting developments of preventative medicine in Japan in recent years.

We want to share this water with you now, and we hope you will share your interest with us in bringing this uniqe product to homes throughout the world.

Hidemitsu Hayashi, M.D.
Director, Water Institute
Nisshin Building, 2-5-10 Shinjiku,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 160

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NOTE: Dr. Hayashi is a Heart Specialist and Director of the Water Institute of Japan.
Dr. Hayashi has no affiliation with "Total Health Marketing", or "Microwater Systems".