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Practical Astrology

January 20 to February 18

Symbol: Fish

Element: Water


Quality: Mutable

Planet: Neptune

Motto: "I Believe"


Pisces is the sign of mysticism, intuition and religion. Their otherworldly natures reflect this, and they often seem to be "in another world". They have very sensitive, even psychic, intuitions. Pisces is the sign of poets-they are the original dreamers who use their vast imaginations to create great works of art, music, and poetry. They adore ritual, pageantry, and performance.

It is often difficult for Pisces to deal with reality. They are charitable, friendly, and self sacrificing but sometimes they use helping others as a way to avoid dealing with their own affairs. They will live in their dreams if allowed to. Pisces also tends to follow the path of least resistance. They must fight for stability, strength, and balance to combat laziness, carelessness, and emotional confusion. The Pisces imagination can create problems where there aren't any. Because of this, it is easy to see why Pisces is known as the sign of self-undoing.

When feeling emotional, sensitive, or vulnerable, Pisces defends themselves with their powers of their imagination to create a "disguise" and/or withdraw from the world. They may appear to be confident and poised, but this is often part of Pisces' play-acting. Conflicting desires and emotions pull Pisces back and forth, sometimes causing them to be impractical or overindulgent. Pisces is capable of great sacrifice and work toward an ideal, but they are much more at home in creative pursuits that they can follow at their leisure than in the business world.

Pisces graces include sensitivity, kindness, selflessness, and intuition. Faults include escapism, vagueness, self-deception, and a weak will.

1996-2001 by Regina M. Raab

This page created 21 February 2000
This page last updated 17 February 2001

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