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Practical Astrology

January 20 to February 18

Symbol: Water-bearer

Element: Air


Quality: Fixed

Planet: Uranus

Motto: "I Know"


Aquarians are visionaries. They are obsessed with being new, radical, and different-which sometimes makes them eccentric. They always demand the fullest measure of their personal freedom. Aquarius likes being different. The combination of their fixed natures (persistence) mixed with air (intellect and communication) and Uranus (planet of change) creates a personality that is liberal, progressive, and fixed in opinion. However, their eccentricity can cause Aquarius to be a bit selfish, since their ultimate loyalty is to their personal style.

Intellectual independence is Aquarius' most marked characteristic. They live intensely in their minds, seeking knowledge and vision. As its symbol pours out water, Aquarius spreads new ideas. Their driving ambition is to do something important and meaningful that will make the world a better place. However, Aquarius lacks the staying power to transform ideas into action, and often shies away from hard work.

A tendency to human love and understanding is very Aquarian. They genuinely care about the troubles of others, and want to make the world a better place. Very people-oriented, Aquarius relates well to different people and make friends easily. However, Aquarius has a distrust of emotion that sometimes makes them appear detached and unemotional. They often develop a fixed lifestyle and habits that they will not change, but they will often try to impose their curious views on others. They jealously protect their privacy, and resent being told what to do.

Aquarian graces include vision, originality, charity, tolerance, independence, and individuality. Faults include neurosis, thoughtlessness, cruelty, detachment, and contrariness.

1996-2001 by Regina M. Raab

This page created 21 February 2000
This page last updated 17 February 2001

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